Details of general service enhancements that you may find of interest:
Government response to the corporate transparency and register reform consultation
The Government has now issued its response to the corporate transparency and register reform consultation, The response sets out how the Government will take forward plans to reform Companies House. For more details, please see the government response:
Dissolved Data
Companies House have published a notice advising that we will stop deleting dissolved records from CHS with immediate effect and that we’ll be loading dissolved records data from 2010 onto CHS in approximately three months’ time. Further information can be found here:
Online Second Filings
We have added an online filing option for a second filing of a document that has inaccuracies on the register, on or after 1 October 2009. Further information can be found here:
Emergency Filing Service
We’d also like to remind you about our online service where you can upload and send documents to Companies House securely and make a payment where necessary. The service is only available for a selection of paper documents that do not already have an online option. Customers should continue to use our existing online services. See the full list of documents you can send to us online.